From the very beginning, I’m creating Herodonia as the best mobile rpg to play with friends as possible.That’s unquestionable – we all have been playing MMORPGs in smaller or greater groups, call it Clans or Guilds. We want to compete with our foes and allies, be it in a player versus player or player versus monster battles. How am I going to create Herodonia as a proper mobile mmo to play with friends?
Typical MMO and solo style
In the past, I got frustrated over one thing – when the game forced me to play in a group. While it is the best way to play most of the MMO games – it is not always welcomed by players.
I’ll give you one example here. I had time to play games in the mornings, while most of my friends tend to log in and play in the evenings. Playing solo was pretty hard then, as I couldn’t enjoy most of the game’s content.
I started searching the Internet for what mobile games I can play with friends, while not being forced to play with them simultaneously. I decided that in the future, I want to create the best mobile rpg to play with a friend, while giving a similar experience for solo players.
Herodonia – solo or group style
My game won’t force players to be in guilds, instead it will give a little bonus for playing in a team.
That being said, here’s a breakdown of things I consider helpful for maintaining Herodonia in a perfect balance between solo- and team-play MMO:
- Experience and drop from monsters will be slightly increased depending on the group size.
- Various dungeons and competition areas will adjust difficulty level based on the number of competing players. Monsters and obstacles will be spawned in accordance with the group size.
- Being a part of a team will not be required to enter certain areas. It will be always possible to explore them as a solo player.
Those are the first things which will be implemented in Herodonia in the near future.
Herodonia – best mobile rpg to play with friends
I will be keen on the above wording while pushing Herodonia forward, however, having one more sentence in mind: solo play will be always welcomed and will provide a similarly joyful experience as playing with a friend.